
California Transportation System

The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) recently released a report on the California Transportation System. The analysis includes updated information about California's state highway system, local streets and roads and system capacity. 

Moving People and Goods Around and Through the State

The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) is a nonpartisan office which provides fiscal and policy information and advice to the California Legislature.

Fast Facts:

Click for Full Report
  • In 2016, California's state highway system was made up of 51,000 lane miles.
  • The state highway system consists of both federally and state-designated highways.
  • California's network of local streets and roads was much larger, consisting of about 335,000 lane miles.
  • This includes 181,000 lane miles of city streets and 155,000 lane miles of county roads.
  • The state has not added much highway capacity over the last decade, with the number of highway lane miles growing by only 1 percent.
