
Coronavirus Update for CalCIMA Members

Coronavirus Update for CalCIMA Members
These are a number of updates regarding CalCIMA and government actions in response to the evolving health emergency with coronavirus. During this time, we hope all members take appropriate precautions and remain safe and healthy. 
Coronavirus Update for CalCIMA Members
These are a number of updates regarding CalCIMA and government actions in response to the evolving health emergency with coronavirus. During this time, we hope all members take appropriate precautions and remain safe and healthy. 
CalCIMA Personnel Policy Issued During Coronavirus Emergency. Today, Gary Hambly, CalCIMA President/CEO, issued the following policy in regard to CalCIMA personnel and functions during the Coronavirus outbreak: 
Effective immediately, I have implemented a telecommute policy for all CalCIMA staff who wish to work remotely due to the current Coronavirus (COVID 19) situation. This will remain in effect until April 13th.  
“All staff will have access to their computer files, email and the ability to check voicemail remotely. Once per day, at least one staff member will come into the office in Sacramento to check the mail and make sure urgent office matters are handled. 
“Additionally, we will have weekly staff meetings via conference call so that the full staff will have an opportunity to communicate with each other and to get updated on all projects.
“We will continue to monitor the Coronavirus situation and will keep members updated on any matters that may pertain to them.”
CalCIMA Postpones or Revamps Conferences & Meetings. “Last week, in compliance with state and local guidance and directives, CalCIMA cancelled, postponed, or converted to conference calls all events and meetings through April,” announced Gary Hambly, CalCIMA President/CEO. “This includes the Legislative Conference, Spring Thaw, committee meetings, regional meetings, and training sessions. We will keep members informed on the exact status of these activities, and whether they will be rescheduled or replaced by conference calls,” said Hambly.  Below is the status of previously scheduled events and meetings. Please call the CalCIMA office if you have questions.
·       March 18th Safety Committee Meeting (changed to conference call)
·       March 19th Spring Thaw (postponed)
·       March 31st San Diego Regional Council (postponed)
·       April 13th Governmental Affairs Committee (changed to conference call)
·       April 14th Legislative Conference (postponed)
·       April 15th Board of Director Meeting (postponed)
·       April 29th Accident Investigation Seminar (postponed)
“Essential Infrastructure” Exempted in Bay Area Shut Down. On Monday, six Bay Area counties ordered a lock down, or “shelter-in-place,” for the entire region for non-essential activities. The order is effective for 3 weeks, from March 17 to April 7, 2020. This means no unnecessary work, activities, gatherings, or travel. However, the order includes an exemption for “essential infrastructure” work, which includes construction for public works and housing, and operations regarding utilities and transportation. It also defines “essential businesses” to include “businesses that supply other essential businesses...” The order applies in San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, and Marin Counties. Key portions of the order are reprinted below:
10 – Definitions and Exemptions
c. “For purposes of this Order, individuals may leave their residence to provide any services or perform any work necessary to the operations and maintenance of “Essential Infrastructure,” including, but not limited to, public works construction, construction of housing (in particular affordable housing or housing for individuals experiencing homelessness), airport operations, water, sewer, gas, electrical, oil refining, roads and highways, public transportation, solid waste collection and removal, internet, and telecommunications systems (including the provision of essential global, national, and local infrastructure for computing services, business infrastructure, communications, and web-based services), provided that they carry out those services or that work in compliance with Social Distancing Requirements as defined this Section, to the extent possible.”
f. “Essential Businesses” means:
xv. “Businesses that supply other essential businesses with the support of supplies necessary to operate.”
State Legislature Recesses for One Month. On Monday evening, the State Legislature passed a resolution to recess until April 13. The recess, embodied in Assembly Concurrent Resolution 189, says the Legislature can be called back or the recess extended depending on circumstances, particularly if the Governor declares further home isolation necessary...Also, the Legislature passed resolutions to allow it to meet remotely as needed...Members can expect that normal committee meetings and consideration of non-essential legislation is on hold. 
State Legislation Addresses Virus Impacts. Several state bills are being considered regarding various aspects of the coronavirus emergency. These include passage of SB 89 (Budget Committee) to authorize an additional $1 billion for the Governor to use as needed. They also include introduction of AB 3216 (Kalra) to expand use of family and medical leave and make it unlawful for an employer to refuse leave requests; and AB 3123 (Gonzalez) regarding access to drinking water.
Governor's Emergency Orders. The Governor has taken a number of emergency actions to address the coronavirus. This includes an executive order suspending the requirement for legislation to be in print for 72 hours prior to consideration. Last week, the Governor issued an executive order increasing access to services, delaying tax filings, expanding authority for local health officials, and limiting large, non-essential gatherings.
Caltrans Reschedules Training. Caltrans says that in-person, classroom-style technical training for concrete, aggregate, and asphalt testers has been cancelled for the month of March. These normally take place at San Jose State, Long Beach State, and through local American Concrete Institute chapters. Testing in April, should it continue, will be modified and at reduced capacity.
MSHA To Continue Inspections. While MSHA has not issued a formal statement, they do plan to continue their regular inspections, according to the National Stone Sand & Gravel Association. The usual procedures will be followed; however, inspectors will avoid large group conversations to discuss their initiatives on electrical and contractor safety. For annual refresher training, depending on circumstances, they may give operators a 30 day grace period, particularly for operations with a large number of employees. This may include audiometric testing, too. However, extensions will be on a case-by-case basis. They recommend operators utilize remote or online training or testing to the extent possible. 
Resources. These are key resources to keep up on the Coronavirus:
