
Prioritize Vaccine for Essential Workers

CalCIMA & AGC Ask For Vaccine Prioritization for Workers. CalCIMA and the Associated General Contractors of California joined in a letter to the CA Dept. of Public Health requesting appropriate prioritization for essential construction and construction/industrial material suppliers in COVID-19 vaccine distribution.  

The letter emphasizes the sectors' essential contribution to public works, health facilities capacity, logistics and movement of goods and services, essential manufacturing material supplies, and overall contribution to the economy. To date, a state advisory committee has created 3 broad prioritization phases based on occupation and health risk. After Phase 1A for health care workers will come Phase 1B, which is broken into 2 tiers. Tier 1 sectors will be education, public safety, agriculture, food, and those over 75 years. Tier 2 will be public transportation, logistics, critical manufacturing, senior care facilities, and those over 65. Phase 1C will target remaining essential workers, those over 50, and those with underlying health issues. The advisory panel will continue to refine the prioritizations at a Jan. 6 and subsequent meetings through Feb. 17.
