
CalCIMA Operations Conference: Fleet, Maintenance & Technology

Did you miss CalCIMA's 2nd annual Operations Conference? 

Fleet, Maintenance & Technology? The August 29th conference was well attended and included participants inclusive of Fleet Managers, Mechanics and Technicians, Shop Leaders, Managers and Supervisors, Specialty Equipment Operators, and Product Line Representatives. The Operations Conference focused on ‘Fleet, Maintenance & Technology' to provide information for the aggregate, industrial minerals, ready-mix concrete, and construction industries. Information related to regulations, maintenance, engines, and emerging technologies. The conference featured simultaneously running on-highway and off-highway speaker tracks to allow participants to better select the subject that is most pertinent to their equipment. Jon Leonard from Gladstein, Neandross, and Associates provided a front line overview of the ‘Renewable Diesel' study funded by Bay Area and South Coast AQMD that was released only a week prior to the conference. John Deere and their local dealers showcased a hybrid loader at the event and walked participants through the ‘battery over diesel' technology. Attendees had an opportunity to meet the manufacturers producing more efficient and capable equipment. And, had an opportunity to receive one-on-one guidance from regulating agencies.” 

Attendees checking out John Deere hybrid Loader

Participants learning about emerging technologies for on-highway vehicles
