Aggregate Sustainability

Aggregate Sustainability in California
The California Geological Survey released (July 17, 2018) an up-dated report on aggregate supply and demand in California.  The full title of the report is Map Sheet 52 (2018 update): Aggregate Sustainability in California - Fifty-Year Aggregate Demand Compared to Permitted Aggregate Reserves

The report is an overview of projected statewide and regional 50 year aggregate need in comparison to permitted reserves.
The estimates of permitted reserves, aggregate demand, and years of permitted reserves remaining are based on conditions as of January 1, 2017, says a CGS news release.  

This is the 4th iteration of the report, the original being issued in 2002, with updates in 2006 and 2012.  The report is produced due to the importance of local aggregate sources for sustainability and, thus, local land use decisions. 
Among key findings:

  • The state has 69% of permitted reserves to meet the 50 year demand. 
  • Only the San Fernando Valley/Saugus-Newhall area has less than 10 years of permitted aggregate reserves, but seven areas have less than a 20 year supply.